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Nova Historiae
International Court
Regional Guidelines
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Topic: Regional Guidelines (Read 1591 times)
Magna Graecia
Posts: 15
Karma: +1/-0
Regional Guidelines
October 28, 2023, 10:04:27 PM »
General Guidelines
Section A - Regional Administration
The Regional Guidelines will constitute of those included in this thread or any other within the World Assembly Category of the Forum (Including Map Claims Procedures within the Cartographer’s Office), which will be maintained and updated by the Regional Administration (RA).
The Regional Administration (RA) shall consist of the Founder foremost while any Administrator, Global Moderator, Moderator(s), Cartographer(s), or other RA posts will be staffed on a needed basis.
Moderators have ultimate authority on matters of RP, barring the intervention of the Administrator (in the Founder's place) or the Founder.
The Founder, acting on the best interests of the region, reserves the right to make changes and implement new rules without a regional vote.
In absence of the Founder, the Administrator followed by Global Moderator is authorized to act on his/her behalf, taking into consideration the best interests of the region.
The Cartographer(s) will manage the map, and map claims.
The Global Moderator, or Moderator in Charge is to maintain order in the forum with reserved rights to issue warnings, mute and in the absence of administration to ban.
Section B - Out of Character Conduct
Treat everyone with dignity and respect. Neither personal attacks nor racist and inflammatory language will be tolerated. When disagreeing with another person, criticize the idea and not the individual.
No disruptive behavior. Spamming a thread outside of the Spam Board will have consequences (this includes emoji/reaction spamming).
Respect the authority of Regional Administration. When you are asked to change a behavior, failure to do so will have consequences.
Section C - Roleplaying Guidelines
Leaving the region or ceasing to exist for longer than 48 hours causes the departing or no longer existing nation to forfeit its map claim if it possesses one.
All nations that leave the map will have their territories revert back to being NPCs. Territories may not be gifted or given to another nation should a player decide to leave.
If a departed nation returns, and they wish to return to the map, they may apply for re-entry. However, they must register a new claim as if they were a new nation.
If a nation is inactive on the forum for twenty eight days without notice, they will be removed from the map. If a nation gives notice and is gone for longer than sixty days they will also be removed. Active refers to posting on the forum within the In Character Boards.
Nations in this region are limited to two puppets, no exceptions. All puppets must be declared by their 'puppet masters' on the puppet account's map claim, and must be of a different personality than their owner and each other. Puppets must not benefit in any way their Puppet Master's main nation or other puppets.
God-modding, defined as superhuman feats of engineering, technological marvels outside constraints, and other actions that could generally be defined as 'impossible', is forbidden in all RPs. If a nation is seen to be god-modding, their action will be declared non-canon.
Meta-gaming, defined when a player uses information or knowledge gained outside of the game character’s experiences to influence their in game decision-making, is forbidden in all RPs. If a nation is seen to be meta-gaming, their action will be declared non-canon.
RPs involving crimes against humanity, including but not limited to, genocide, mass-murder, etc., must be approved by the Founder, Administrator or a Moderator before they may commence. If a nation fails to follow this rule, then they may be evaluated for moderation.
All tech levels are capped at the year 2023. Modern tech is the basis of our region.
Nuclear weapons, biological weapons, and other objects that could be considered Weapons of Mass Destruction are prohibited.
Alliances and states that could be considered 'vassal states' such as players subordinate to another player nation can only be colored the same color on the map with extensive justification to prevent confusion on national status. Empires of players/people must follow this same rule.
Section D - Discipline and Appeal Policy
A complaint shall be submitted and processed through one of the following mediums:
The Forum Message System
Complaints on RP matters shall be addressed solely by the Moderators.
Complaints on OOC matters shall be addressed by the Moderators first. The panel will be extended to the entirety of the RA if an appeal is sought.
The player may add a witness who shall observe the proceeding(s). The RA reserves the right to add or remove a topic/thread/rp for complaint based on the usage of said medium except via Messaging System.
Upon arbitrating on any dispute or complaint, the RA must publish its decision and each member's summarized opinion in a public log to ensure transparency in substantive reasoning.
The identities of each opinion's author will be anonymized.
The escalating penalties are as follows for infractions:
A warning for the first infraction;
A 1-Hour mute for the second;
A 24-hour mute for the third;
A 1-week ban from the region for the fourth, to be overturned in accordance with rule 4;
A 2-month ban from the region for the fifth, to be overturned in accordance with rule 4;
An indefinite ban from the region for the sixth, to be overturned in accordance with rule 4;
An indefinite ban from the region for the seventh, to be overturned in accordance with rule 5;
An indefinite ban from the region for the eighth, with no invocation of rule 4 or 5.
After being banjected from the Forum, no nation that has been banned may return unless removed from the banned list by a RA vote.
After being banjected from the Forum, no nation that has been banned may return unless removed from the banned list by a full membership vote.
Last Edit: November 27, 2023, 03:03:10 PM by Magna Graecia
Magna Graecia
Posts: 15
Karma: +1/-0
Re: Regional Guidelines
Reply #1 on:
November 07, 2023, 10:49:35 PM »
Section G - Warfare Additions
All wars must be consensual. If one nation does not consent to a potential conflict, then the conflict is considered non-canon.
To declare a war the declaring nation should make a forum post and PM the nation he/she is declaring war on (the PM is just in case the nation war is being declared on doesn't see the post)
Nations should agree a broad outline of what will happen and how including approximate losses on each side. They can keep this agreement private if they want to and change it with mutual consent. Nations may also wish to agree a posting limit i.e. the number of posts each player or side can post in a day. The default is three each.
Players should be aware if declaring war on a player who is a member of an alliance subject to a collective security provision that unless explicitly agreed between the parties that other members of that treaty organization could be allowed to join and players are expected to RP with these additional players.
In cases where war is provoked, for example by breaking treaty obligations or an attempt to restrict an international waterway without a reasonable ground, those involved should arrange who will be involved and how as rule.
To actually have troops you need to have filled out and posted a link to the regional military spreadsheet;
Military Calc 2.0 Legacy
A nation may use its NS population for the purpose of the spreadsheet until that population reaches 200 million. At that time it may either choose to stay at that population or use the real life population of its territories, whichever is most advantageous.
Percent in Military for purpose of the spreadsheet will remain at 1% for the foreseeable future.
Wars will be turn based. In other words the first person to post should only post a single action declaring units they are moving/using and their actions, the next person to respond will declare any defensive actions taken then units they are moving/using and their action, and so on until all nations involved have posted.
A nation may not attack a "whole" nation at one time. For instance an attacking nation can't say they are landing 20,000 troops in Brazil. Instead the attack must be declared in this fashion,"I land 20,000 troops on the shores of Bahia and advance on its capital of Salvador." However, if a nation is capable multiple locations may be attacked simultaneously.
Last Edit: November 07, 2023, 11:28:23 PM by Magna Graecia
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Regional Guidelines
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